Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When my son was bullied...

As a father, I cannot deny the possibility that my son can be a bully or will be bullied in school. As I saw him grow in his pre-school years, I already taught him that hurting other kids is not the right way to be respected nor to gain true friends. Teaching him this value started when he learned to play with his cousins. My son is taller than most kids. He got this from his Mom. And the more he grew, the more I emphasized to him that being bigger or taller than other kids does not mean he is ahead of them in character. I taught him to be fair, friendly and responsible.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Filipino Child Discipline

Many have told me that the way we were disciplined by our parents is not the effective and "correct" way for kids today. Some say that they find it too strict, or too harsh and sometimes even too brutal. But if these opinions are true, then many of us were raised the wrong way. Isn't that a simple way to put it? or...Many of us do not have the right values nor the right upbringing. Is this true?

I have been to many kiddie parties. These are occasions good parents cannot shoo away from as their children need to learn how to socialize with other kids. We can notice toddlers playing with others. Some are crying. Some are wrecking havoc to other kids and maybe even to their parents. Some just want to sit next to their parents and observe. One particular behavior that gets to me is when children do not listen or follow their parents. And when their parents keep them from going their way, they cry and make a scene.